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REACH youth trimming trees



O modelo do REACH adapta os princípios de aprendizagem experiencial, desenvolvimento positivo de jovens, ecoterapia e educação ao ar livre para inspirar liderança, sucesso acadêmico e conexões entre jovens refugiados.


Nossa prática facilita a transição de aculturação de jovens refugiados, apoiando-os na construção de fortes conexões com sua nova pátria, ao mesmo tempo que lhes oferece oportunidades de fortalecer sua identidade cultural e compartilhar suas experiências com outras pessoas. Com a implementação de programas de aprendizagem contextual que promovem a resiliência, o REACH ajuda a integrar os recém-chegados à estrutura de suas novas comunidades. Mudanças recorrentes nas políticas de refugiados e imigrantes e no apoio tornam nossos esforços para atender às necessidades de integração dos jovens refugiados e de suas famílias ainda mais cruciais. Nosso trabalho concentra-se no desenvolvimento de capital social, o que promove uma mudança da condição de marginal que muitas vezes é mantida por jovens refugiados e suas famílias.

O modelo REACH integra aprendizagem experiencial, desenvolvimento positivo de jovens, ecoterapia e princípios de educação ao ar livre para inspirar liderança, sucesso acadêmico e conexões entre jovens refugiados.

O REACH, em sua essência, trata de conectar pessoas a uma rede mais ampla de suporte. Coordenamos parcerias com profissionais locais nas áreas de biologia, botânica, ecologia, preservação ambiental, geologia, engenharia, artes visuais e cênicas, mídia digital, tecnologia e muito mais, que compartilham seus conhecimentos e facilitam conexões mais amplas. Os participantes do REACH aplicam suas novas habilidades e conhecimentos por meio de projetos de serviço comunitário liderados por jovens e apresentações para colegas e o público em geral.



Adventure Camps

REACH offers youth between the age of 10 and 18 the opportunity to participate in fun and challenging outdoor adventures during out-of-school time throughout the year.  Youth engage in weekly  or monthly day-camps, overnight tent camping and extended sleep-away trips with adventure sports and place-based education activities such as: mountain biking, hiking, canoeing, kayaking, skiing, ice skating, snow tubing, climbing, archery, fishing, forest restora-tion, river clean-ups, and more. Youth participants develop technical skills as well as team building skills  throughout the year and get to show off their new learning at our family picnics and award ceremonies.

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Discovery Quests

Discovery Quests is an innovative program designed to inspire curiosity and exploration among participants Through a series of engaging activities and challenges, participants will embark on a journey that encourages learning and personal growth. This program aims to foster a sense of adventure, allowing individuals to discover new interests and skills while connecting with others in a collaborative environment. Participants in Discovery Quests will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on experiences that promote teamwork and problem-solving. With a focus on creativity and critical thinking, this program is perfect for those looking to expand their horizons and gain valuable insights. Join us in exploring the exciting possibilities that Discovery Quests has to offer!

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Leadership, Service, & Stewardship

Our Service & Stewardship project is designed to encourage refugees to give back to their new communities while also developing leadership skills and understanding environmental stewardship.


Participants engage in service projects such as park cleanups, community gardens, political advocacy, speech-making, and other volunteer opportunities that benefit their new communities. Through this initiative, we aim to instill a sense of ownership and connection to their new homeland, and demonstrate how they can make a difference, both locally & globally.



REACH families, parents and siblings related to registered youth, engage in monthly ecotherapy and adventure sessions, including age-appropriate experiential learning activities focused on nature, the environment, and exploration. With this framework, REACH youth and their parents and siblings can discover the environment and explore their own play, with both nature and each other, and share information and connect with other parents of children in the refugee community. Parents are introduced to accessible locations where they can take their whole family, as particular emphasis is placed on the power of “exploring our own backyard” by visiting local parks and absorbing the different ecosystems that our local community offers.

(college readiness)

Trek-2-Success is an empowering program designed for older refugee and asylum-seeking youth, providing them essential tools and resources to explore college and career opportunities. Through engaging tours of educational institutions and insightful interviews with REACH alumni and professionals, participants gain valuable insights into various pathways to success. This program not only focuses on academic and career exploration but fosters confidence and leadership skills, ensuring that youth feel supported as they navigate their futures.

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(young adult 18+)

As REACH participants age out of our normal programming, we don't abandon them. Our new Compass program is designed to keep young adults connected to us while providing an open ear and helping hand to ease the transition into adulthood. As REACH participants age out of our normal programming, we don't abandon them. Our new Compass program is designed to keep young adults connected to us while providing an open ear and helping hand to ease the transition into adulthood. 

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Chicago / Oak Park, IL




© 2021 Desafio de Educação e Aventura para Refugiados.

O REACH é reconhecido como uma organização sem fins lucrativos com isenção de impostos 501c3.

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